Radix cross Linux 3pp sources

RcL sources – is a tree of Third Party and Radix source tarballs

423 Commits   0 Branches   0 Tags
author: kx <kx@radix.pro> 2023-05-18 05:58:41 +0300 committer: kx <kx@radix.pro> 2023-05-18 05:58:41 +0300 commit: 051bf53b1f4b95ba0e5475c7c573bc68f72ac271 parent: 8e4b07371e6924fd2d16918d72ecd124abf8880c
Commit Summary:
2 files changed, 213 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/packages/n/Makefile b/packages/n/Makefile
index 4d70746..9a2594d 100644
--- a/packages/n/Makefile
+++ b/packages/n/Makefile
@@ -4,189 +4,190 @@
 # $ tree -fid .
-SUBDIRS := ModemManager           \
-           alpine                 \
-           arptables              \
-           autofs                 \
-           avahi                  \
-           biff+comsat            \
-           bind                   \
-           bluez                  \
-           bluez-firmware         \
-           bluez-hcidump          \
-           bootp                  \
-           bootp-debian           \
-           bridge-utils           \
-           bsd-finger             \
-           ca-certificates        \
-           cifs-utils             \
-           conntrack-tools        \
-           crda                   \
-           curl                   \
-           cyrus-imapd            \
-           cyrus-sasl             \
-           dhcp                   \
-           dhcpcd                 \
-           dhcpdump               \
-           dirmngr                \
-           dnsmasq                \
-           ebtables               \
-           egd                    \
-           elm                    \
-           epic5                  \
-           ethtool                \
-           fetchmail              \
-           firmware               \
-           freeradius-client      \
-           getmail                \
-           gnupg                  \
-           gnupg2                 \
-           gnutls                 \
-           gpa                    \
-           gpgme                  \
-           htdig                  \
-           httpd                  \
-           icmpinfo               \
-           idnkit                 \
-           iftop                  \
-           imap                   \
-           inetd                  \
-           iperf3                 \
-           iproute2               \
-           ipset                  \
-           iptables               \
-           iptraf-ng              \
-           iputils                \
-           irssi                  \
-           iw                     \
-           kerberos               \
-           lftp                   \
-           libassuan              \
-           libgcrypt              \
-           libgpg-error           \
-           libksba                \
-           libmbim                \
-           libmnl                 \
-           libndp                 \
-           libnetfilter_acct      \
-           libnetfilter_conntrack \
-           libnetfilter_cthelper  \
-           libnetfilter_cttimeout \
-           libnetfilter_log       \
-           libnetfilter_queue     \
-           libnfnetlink           \
-           libnftnl               \
-           libnice                \
-           libnl                  \
-           libnl3                 \
-           libnsl                 \
-           libpcap                \
-           libproxy               \
-           libqmi                 \
-           libsignal-protocol-c   \
-           libsrtp                \
-           libtirpc               \
-           links                  \
-           lynx                   \
-           mailx                  \
-           maxmind                \
-           mcabber                \
-           metamail               \
-           mozilla-nspr           \
-           mozilla-nss            \
-           mtr                    \
-           mutt                   \
-           nc                     \
-           ncftp                  \
-           net-snmp               \
-           net-tools              \
-           netatalk               \
-           netdate                \
-           netkit-base            \
-           netkit-bootparamd      \
-           netkit-combo           \
-           netkit-ftp             \
-           netkit-ntalk           \
-           netkit-routed          \
-           netkit-rpc             \
-           netkit-rsh             \
-           netkit-rusers          \
-           netkit-rwall           \
-           netkit-rwho            \
-           netkit-telnet          \
-           netkit-tftp            \
-           netkit-timed           \
-           netpipes               \
-           nettle                 \
-           netwatch               \
-           netwrite               \
-           newspost               \
-           nfacct                 \
-           nfs-utils              \
-           nftables               \
-           nghttp2                \
-           nginx                  \
-           nmap                   \
-           nn                     \
-           npth                   \
-           nss-pam-ldapd          \
-           ntbtls                 \
-           ntp                    \
-           obex-data-server       \
-           obexfs                 \
-           obexftp                \
-           opendkim               \
-           openldap               \
-           openobex               \
-           openssh                \
-           openssl                \
-           openssl10              \
-           openvpn                \
-           p11-kit                \
-           pam-krb5               \
-           php                    \
-           pidentd                \
-           pinentry               \
-           pinepgp                \
-           popa3d                 \
-           portmap                \
-           postfix                \
-           ppp                    \
-           pppsetup               \
-           procmail               \
-           proftpd                \
-           pssh                   \
-           radius                 \
-           radiusclient           \
-           rdist                  \
-           rfkill                 \
-           rp-pppoe               \
-           rpcbind                \
-           rpcsvc-proto           \
-           rsync                  \
-           samba                  \
-           scute                  \
-           sendmail               \
-           slrn                   \
-           snownews               \
-           stunnel                \
-           tcp_wrappers           \
-           tcpdump                \
-           telnet-OpenBSD         \
-           tftp-hpa               \
-           tin                    \
-           traceroute             \
-           trn                    \
-           trn4                   \
-           ulogd                  \
-           uwsgi                  \
-           vlan                   \
-           vsftpd                 \
-           whois                  \
-           wireless-regdb         \
-           wireless-tools         \
-           wpa_supplicant         \
-           yp                     \
+SUBDIRS := ModemManager            \
+           alpine                  \
+           arptables               \
+           autofs                  \
+           avahi                   \
+           biff+comsat             \
+           bind                    \
+           bluez                   \
+           bluez-firmware          \
+           bluez-hcidump           \
+           bootp                   \
+           bootp-debian            \
+           bridge-utils            \
+           bsd-finger              \
+           ca-certificates         \
+           cifs-utils              \
+           conntrack-tools         \
+           crda                    \
+           curl                    \
+           cyrus-imapd             \
+           cyrus-sasl              \
+           dhcp                    \
+           dhcpcd                  \
+           dhcpdump                \
+           dirmngr                 \
+           dnsmasq                 \
+           ebtables                \
+           egd                     \
+           elm                     \
+           epic5                   \
+           ethtool                 \
+           fetchmail               \
+           firmware                \
+           freeradius-client       \
+           getmail                 \
+           gnupg                   \
+           gnupg2                  \
+           gnutls                  \
+           gpa                     \
+           gpgme                   \
+           htdig                   \
+           httpd                   \
+           icmpinfo                \
+           idnkit                  \
+           iftop                   \
+           imap                    \
+           inetd                   \
+           iperf3                  \
+           iproute2                \
+           ipset                   \
+           iptables                \
+           iptraf-ng               \
+           iputils                 \
+           irssi                   \
+           iw                      \
+           kerberos                \
+           lftp                    \
+           libassuan               \
+           libgcrypt               \
+           libgpg-error            \
+           libksba                 \
+           libmbim                 \
+           libmnl                  \
+           libndp                  \
+           libnetfilter_acct       \
+           libnetfilter_conntrack  \
+           libnetfilter_cthelper   \
+           libnetfilter_cttimeout  \
+           libnetfilter_log        \
+           libnetfilter_queue      \
+           libnfnetlink            \
+           libnftnl                \
+           libnice                 \
+           libnl                   \
+           libnl3                  \
+           libnsl                  \
+           libpcap                 \
+           libproxy                \
+           libqmi                  \
+           libsignal-protocol-c    \
+           libsrtp                 \
+           libtirpc                \
+           links                   \
+           lynx                    \
+           mailx                   \
+           maxmind                 \
+           mcabber                 \
+           metamail                \
+           mozilla-nspr            \
+           mozilla-nss             \
+           mtr                     \
+           mutt                    \
+           nc                      \
+           ncftp                   \
+           net-snmp                \
+           net-tools               \
+           netatalk                \
+           netdate                 \
+           netkit-base             \
+           netkit-bootparamd       \
+           netkit-combo            \
+           netkit-ftp              \
+           netkit-ntalk            \
+           netkit-routed           \
+           netkit-rpc              \
+           netkit-rsh              \
+           netkit-rusers           \
+           netkit-rwall            \
+           netkit-rwho             \
+           netkit-telnet           \
+           netkit-tftp             \
+           netkit-timed            \
+           netpipes                \
+           nettle                  \
+           netwatch                \
+           netwrite                \
+           newspost                \
+           nfacct                  \
+           nfs-utils               \
+           nftables                \
+           nghttp2                 \
+           nginx                   \
+           nmap                    \
+           nn                      \
+           npth                    \
+           nss-pam-ldapd           \
+           ntbtls                  \
+           ntp                     \
+           obex-data-server        \
+           obexfs                  \
+           obexftp                 \
+           opendkim                \
+           openldap                \
+           openobex                \
+           openssh                 \
+           openssl                 \
+           openssl10               \
+           openvpn                 \
+           p11-kit                 \
+           pam-krb5                \
+           php                     \
+           pidentd                 \
+           pinentry                \
+           pinepgp                 \
+           popa3d                  \
+           portmap                 \
+           postfix                 \
+           ppp                     \
+           pppsetup                \
+           procmail                \
+           proftpd                 \
+           pssh                    \
+           radius                  \
+           radiusclient            \
+           rdist                   \
+           rfkill                  \
+           rp-pppoe                \
+           rpcbind                 \
+           rpcsvc-proto            \
+           rsync                   \
+           samba                   \
+           scute                   \
+           sendmail                \
+           slrn                    \
+           snownews                \
+           stunnel                 \
+           tcp_wrappers            \
+           tcpdump                 \
+           telnet-OpenBSD          \
+           tftp-hpa                \
+           tin                     \
+           traceroute              \
+           trn                     \
+           trn4                    \
+           ulogd                   \
+           uwsgi                   \
+           vlan                    \
+           vsftpd                  \
+           webrtc-audio-processing \
+           whois                   \
+           wireless-regdb          \
+           wireless-tools          \
+           wpa_supplicant          \
+           yp                      \
diff --git a/packages/n/webrtc-audio-processing/Makefile b/packages/n/webrtc-audio-processing/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cce108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/n/webrtc-audio-processing/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Project Home:
+# ============
+# https://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/webrtc-audio-processing
+# Downloads:
+# =========
+# https://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/webrtc-audio-processing/webrtc-audio-processing-0.3.1.tar.xz
+url         = https://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/webrtc-audio-processing
+versions    = 0.3.1
+pkgname     = webrtc-audio-processing
+suffix      = tar.xz
+tarballs    = $(addsuffix .$(suffix), $(addprefix $(pkgname)-, $(versions)))
+sha1s       = $(addsuffix .sha1sum, $(tarballs))
+all: $(tarballs) $(sha1s)
+.PHONY: downloads_clean
+	@echo -e "\n======= Downloading source tarballs =======\n"
+	@for tarball in $(tarballs) ; do \
+	  wget -N $(url)/$$tarball ; \
+	done
+$(sha1s): %.$(suffix).sha1sum : %.$(suffix)
+	@for tarball in $< ; do \
+	  echo -e "\n======= Calculation the '$$tarball' sha1sum =======\n" ; \
+	  sha1sum --binary $$tarball > $$tarball.sha1sum ; \
+	done
+	@rm -rf $(tarballs) $(sha1s)